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Saturday 18 April 2015

My first experience using blog

I never thought that I could make my own blog. Be surprised.  Notify that I was a little lazy to use the computer for a long period of time. Prof Madya Dr Norzaidi B. Mohd Daud has introduced me to use blog purposely for MIS 750 paper ... Therefore, without other option, I have to create my very own blog. A great Thank You to Prof Madya Dr Norzaidi whom is very supporting and cheerful lecturer.  I enjoyed the class very much.  

I am so excited to share my new recipe of Sweet Sour Minced Ayamas Chicken



1 cup minced chicken Ayamas
3 tablespoons cooking oil
2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 inch ginger, sliced
2 stalks lemongrass, bruised 
1 bunch of curry leaves
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 potatoes sliced thinly
3 red chillies 
1 medium tomato sliced
1 medium onion sliced
A little salt and sugar or to taste

1. Heat the oil in wok, add sliced potatoes mixed with some turmeric and salt, fry for about 8-10 minutes, then remove from wok.
2. Add chicken mixed with turmeric and salt into the same wok and stir fry about 8 -10 minutes together with curry leave, ginger and clipped lemongrass. 
3 Add onion together with potatoes which have been fried earlier.
4. Add some oyster sauce, tomato sauce and some sugar.
5. Stir fry for a minute more and sprinkle with ​​red chillies and tomato. Remove from wok and immediately serve in hot.

                                          ‘’ SHARING IS CARING’’

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